Nominations are now closed.
In 2024, we are thrilled to announce the 2nd annual Emerging Women Leaders Impact Awards, designed to recognize outstanding individuals and organizations that exemplify transformative leadership and community engagement. This prestigious award aims to celebrate women who are making a significant difference in their areas of influence, whether within their organizations or through empowers around them. 

Emerging Women Leaders Impact Awards will be presented in the following categories:
  • Individual Impact Awards (2): Honoring two exceptional individual leaders who demonstrate remarkable commitment, inspiration, and impact.
  • Organization Impact Award (1): Recognizing one organization that has shown outstanding dedication to fostering women's leadership and creating positive change.

The core theme of these awards is to acknowledge and celebrate emerging women leaders who are catalysts for change, inspiring/lifting those around them and driving impactful initiatives within their communities and workplaces.

To qualify for nomination, individuals and organizations must show examples that underscore their commitment to community, leadership within their respective domains, entrepreneurial spirit, inclusivity, and a genuine dedication to uplifting others. (Individuals must be an active EWL member.)

We are looking to honor individuals and organizations who embody the following qualities:

  • Commitment to Community: Demonstrates a strong dedication to making a difference beyond their immediate circles.
  • Above and Beyond Leadership: Exhibits exceptional leadership qualities that go beyond, inspiring others to excel.
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit: Displays initiative and innovation in creating meaningful impact through action.
  • Lifting Others Up: Actively supports and empowers others in their journey towards success.
  • Inclusive Leadership: Fosters diversity and inclusivity, creating opportunities for all and fostering a culture of collaboration.

Nominations for the Emerging Women Leaders 2024 Impact Awards will be accepted through our updated nomination form, mirroring the process of our esteemed Mentor Awards. Each nomination will be evaluated using a rubric then reviewed by Tempo staff, EWL Signature Event C0-Chairs, and 2 appointed committee members.

Krista Boyce | VP, Strategic Partnerships & Emerging Women Leaders: [email protected]